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The movie review: “Past Lives”

Writer's picture: NGL ForumNGL Forum

Updated: May 5, 2024

The “Past Lives” is a movie by Korean Canadian director Celine Song. Despite the fact the film is her debut movie, it has been generating worldwide popularity and has already earned 66 accolades at various international film festivals including two notable Academy Award nominations for Original Screenplay and Best Picture.

"Past Lives" – kanada-koreyalik rejissyor Selin Songning filmi hisoblanadi. Film uning debyut filmi bo'lishiga qaramay, u butun dunyo bo'ylab ko’plab insonlarning e’tibor va mehrini  qozonmoqda, turli xalqaro kinofestivallarda 66 ta mukofotni qo'lga kiritib kelmoqda jumladan, "Oskar" mukofotining “Original ssenariy” va "Eng yaxshi film" nominantlaridandir.

The movie's central theme is “인연, " translated as fate, destiny, and connection between people. The theme of “인연” is told through the story of two childhood sweethearts Nora (played by the actress Greta Lee) and Hae Sung( actor Yoo Teo).  They were classmates and they had feelings for each other at the same time. But Nora’s family decide to migrate to Canada. Despite growing apart they found each other through Facebook. After constantly talking day and night, Nora discovers she needs more than phone calls. The harsh reality of a distant relationship forces her to tell the truth and ask for time to work on her plays and writing.  So, they decide to take a break. There were her words telling Hae Sung about feeling: “In place of working on my writing skills I am constantly thinking about you and checking the ticket to Korea”. 

Filmning asosiy mavzusi - "인연" bo'lib, taqdir va odamlar o'rtasidagi bog'liqlik deb tarjima qilinadi. "인연" mavzusiga ega filmda ikki bolalikdagi bir-biriga ko’ngil qo’ygan  Nora (aktrisa Greta Li tomonidan ijro etilgan) va Xe Song (aktyor  Te Yu) haqida hikoya qilinadi. Ular sinfdosh bo’lib  bir vaqtning o'zida bir-birlariga nisbatan his-tuyg'ulari bor edi. Lekin Noraning oilasi Kanadaga ko'chib ketishga qaror qilishadi. Bir-biridan ajralishlariga qaramay, yillar o’tib Facebook orqali bir-birlarini topadilar. Doimiy ravishda kechayu kunduz gaplashib, bir kun Nora unga qo’ng’iroqdan ko'proq narsa kerakligini tushunib yetadi. Uzoq masofadagi munosabatlarning og'ir haqiqati Noraga haqiqatni gapirishga va pyesalari ustida ishlash uchun vaqt so'rashga majbur qiladi. Shunday qilib, ular tanaffus qilishga qaror qilishadi. Uning Xe Songga his-tuyg'ulari haqida aytgan so'zlari shunday edi: "Pyesalarim ustida ishlash o’rniga men doimo sen  va Koreyaga chiptani sotib olish haqidagina o’ylashga vaqt sarflayapman ".

After the decision to take a break from their relationship Nora meets her future husband and cause of her Green card they get married faster. Hye Sung also starts his new relationship with the person he met in China while studying in a language school.  Several years passed and Hye Sung decided to visit Nora with the hope of reconciling. Eventually, they meet, and from that point starts the nerve-wracking telepathy. The real words that should be said are being said with their eyes, mimics, and the atmosphere. I loved the movie because of these scenes that I have never seen in other films. The tension between Nora and Hye Sung, Hye Sung and Arthur (husband of Nora) the eye contact, and the dialogue between the three of them make the viewer’s heart beat faster.   

O'zaro munosabatlardan tanaffus qilishga qaror qilishganidan so'ng, Nora bo'lajak turmush o'rtog'ini uchratadi va uning vizasi tufayli kelib chiqqan muammo sabab tezroq turmush qurishadi. Xe Song ham Xitoyda o‘qiyotganda yangi munosabat boshlaydi. Bir necha yil o'tib Xe Sung yarashish umidi bilan Norani ko’rish uchun Amerikaga tashrif buyurishga qaror qildi. Oxir-oqibat, ular uchrashadilar va asab tolalarini ishga soladigan  telepatiya boshlanadi. Yillar davomida aytilishi kerak bo'lgan haqiqiy so'zlar ularning ko'zlari, mimika va murakkab muhit orqali aytila boshlanadi. Boshqa filmlarda uchramaydigan aynan shu sahnalar tufayli film menga manzur bo’ldi. Nora va Xe Song, Xe Song va Artur (Noraning turmush o’rtog’i) o'rtasidagi keskinlik, murakkab munosabtlar va ular o'rtasidagi suhbatlar - tomoshabinning yuragini tezroq urushiga sabab bo’lgani aniq.

Moreover, another unforgettable scene is when Arthur reveals the truth about her wife’s speaking in Korean while sleeping. He says he wants to understand her inner world, dreams, and language. Furthermore, in another scene, Arthur asks Nora whether she is happy with him and tells him that Nora is the essential person in his life. I want to say that the character of Nora’s husband is the person who unconditionally loves his wife and wants even to embrace her identity. He is the man who understands the feelings of his wife toward Hye Sung and hugs her who is crying after Hye Sung leaves.

Qolaversa, yana bir unutilmas sahna - Artur xotinining uxlayotganida koreys tilida alaxsirashi haqidagi haqiqatni ochiqlash sahnasidir. Artur ayolining ichki dunyosi, orzu-umidlari va tilini tushunishni istashini aytadi. Bundan tashqari, boshqa bir sahnada Artur Noradan u bilan baxtlimi yoki yo'qligini so'raydi va unga  uning hayotidagi muhim shaxs ekanligini aytadi. Aytmoqchimanki, Artur shunday qahramonki, u  o'z xotinini so'zsiz sevadi va hatto uning qalbining tub- tubidagi asliyatini ham qabul qilishni xohlaydigan insondir. U xotinining Xe Songga bo'lgan his-tuyg'ularini tushunadigan va Xe Song ketganidan keyin yig'layotgan ayolini quchoqlab ovutadigan erkakdir.


My thoughts while and after watching the movie were:

1. Love is timing.

2. Every person loves differently. Someone falls in love faster, someone slowly getting to know each feature of the opposite part.

3. Nora’s sympathy toward Hye Sung includes not only feelings for him but also missing her childhood, and hometown.

4. It is not easy to be together if two persons have different conditions, outlooks, and ambitions.

Filmni tomosha qilish paytida va ko’rib bo’lgandan so’nggi  fikrlarim:

1. Sevgi - bu chegaralangan vaqt.

2. Har bir inson har xil sevadi. Kimdir tezroq sevsa, kimdir asta-sekin sevgilisining har bir xususiyatini o’rganib sevib boradi.

3. Noraning Xe Songga nisbatan mayli nafaqat unga bo'lgan his-tuyg'ularini, balki uning bolaligi va ona shahrini sog'inishini ham o'z ichiga oladi.

4. Ikki kishining sharoiti, dunyoqarashi va ambitsiyalari har xil bo‘lsa, birga bo‘lish oson bo’lmaydi.

I watched the film twice. I want to applaud the director and cast for doing such a great job. I greatly appreciate the effort Celine and her staff made to show viewers the inner world of the characters. I want to end my writing by telling my favorite scene which was the last scene. Most of the scenes and dialogues show the true feelings of Hye Sung and Arthur but in my point of view, the last scene where Nora cries after Hye Sung leaves is the revelation of her feeling that she pushed back all the time. I recommend everyone to watch this masterpiece. Thank you.

Men filmni ikki marta tomosha qildim. Rejissyor va aktyorlarning bunday ajoyib film uchun olqishlamoqchiman. Men Selin va jamoaning tomoshabinlarga qahramonlarning ichki dunyosini ko'rsatish uchun qilgan sa'y-harakatlarini juda qadrlayman. So’zimni oxirgi sahna hamda sevimli sahnamni aytib berish bilan yakunlamoqchiman. Ko'pgina sahnalar va dialoglar Xe Song va Arturning haqiqiy his-tuyg'ularini aks ettiradi, lekin mening fikrimcha, Xe Song ketganidan keyin Nora yig'lagan oxirgi sahna Noraning doimo qalbining tub-tubida yashirib kelgan hissiyotining namoyon bo'lishidir. Barchaga ushbu durdona asarni tomosha qilishni tavsiya etaman. Rahmat.

Author:Erkinboeva Gulkhayo (굴리)

Translator (Uzbek): Erkinboeva Gulkhayo (굴리)

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